Investor FAQs

Investor FAQs

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Where is Cytomx incorporated?
CytomX Therapeutics, Inc. was incorporated in Delaware in September 2010.
Where is Cytomx’s corporate headquarters?
CytomX Therapeutics, Inc.
151 Oyster Point Blvd
Suite 400
South San Francisco, CA 94080
When is Cytomx’s fiscal year-end?
CytomX’s fiscal year ends December 31st.
Who is Cytomx’s independent registered public accounting firm?
Ernst & Young LLP is CytomX’s independent registered public accounting firm.
Who is Cytomx’s legal counsel?
CytomX’s legal counsel is Latham & Watkins LLP, Menlo Park, CA
On which exchange is Cytomx listed, what is the ticker symbol, and when did Cytomx go public?
CytomX’s common stock is traded under the ticker symbol “CTMX” on The NASDAQ Global Market. CytomX’s initial public offering was in September 2015.
How can I purchase or sell shares of Cytomx’s common stock?
Shares can be purchased through a licensed securities broker. CytomX does not have a direct stock purchase program.
Does Cytomx issue dividends on its common stock?
CytomX does not pay cash dividends on its common stock.
What is the CUSIP number for Cytomx’s common stock?
CUSIP Number: 23284F 105
Who is Cytomx’s transfer agent?
Computershare Investor Services
P.O. Box 43078
Providence, RI 02940
Who do I contact regarding lost stock certificates, address changes, and changes of ownership or name in which shares are held?
Computershare Investor Services
P.O. Box 43078
Providence, RI 02940
How do I contact Cytomx with additional questions or inquiries?
Please submit an inquiry via our contact form